Donate to Foundation

Your donations help us to work with individuals, communities, local bodies, governments authorities, NGO’s, educational institutions, students etc., Our main motto is to promote and safeguard our society in regard to tree plantation, agricultural development and educational scholarship

Why Donate to SF

"Happier people live more and giving makes people happier, such that happiness and giving may operate in positive feedback loop"- Harvard Researcher

Your small donations with happiness make our society amazing. When you choose SF for your donation, you started to make an impact for our society in terms of environmental safety, agricultural development or sponsoring a scholarship for school kids or students or college students which will in turn our society beautiful and enlightened. More you help others with happiness, the more you receive in abundance. Donation can be given for many reasons. The purpose of donating every rupee will be reflected to you and your family in some way positively. Almighty doesn’t know which is good or which is bad. What we give we will receive it back. If we are donating for a good reason, we will get good things in return. We believe in science more than religious practice